24 Jul 2019
DHA launches health awareness campaign targeting Expo 2020 labour workers
"The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) launched the “Health Promotion 2019” awareness campaign to raise awareness amongst Expo 2020 labour workers about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, early detection of diseases and occupational health. Dr Badreyya AlHarmi, Director of the Public Health Protection Department said that the department has put in place a comprehensive plan with Expo 2020 to launch the campaign for three months from July to September. She added that the campaign aims to raise awareness and equip the labourers with the knowledge and tools to lead a healthy and happy life. “We are focusing on three main topics in this campaign. The first core topic of the campaign is screening and early detection of diseases. We will be having hypertension, glucose level and hepatitis C, dental and eye check-ups. We will also be raising awareness about the dangers of smoking and conducting carbon monoxide tests. Additionally we will be raising awareness about the importance of maintaining hand hygiene,” said Dr AlHarmi. She said the campaign’s second theme focused on nutrition and included consultations and workshops where DHA nutritionists shared health-eating tips and stressed the importance of drinking sufficient water and fluids while working. Meanwhile the third theme saw specialists talk about the importance of occupational health in different languages including Urdu. The specialists shared tips that help prevent occupational hazards, heat stress and sun strokes to name a few, concluded Dr AlHarmi. "
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