1. What is Organ Donation and Transplantation?
Organ donation and transplantation is the process of removing an organ from one
person (the donor)
and surgically
placing it in another (the recipient).
This donation will greatly enhance or save the life of the person who receives the
organ. Organ Donation
can be from:
Living donor: According to the law, living donation is limited between relatives up to the fourth degree.
Brain-dead donor: Organs are retrieved from a brain-dead donor who suffered from organ failure.
2. Who can be a donor in the UAE?
Under the National Program for Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs and
Tissue any person in the UAE over the
age of 21 may register his/her desire to donate organs after death or in the case of brain-death.
3. What organs can be donated in the UAE after Brain Death?
The following Organs and Tissues can be donated after Brain Death:
Bone Marrow
Composite Tissue (Limb Transplant)
4. When can the organs from deceased donors be taken?
Organs can be taken from a deceased donor in case of Brain Death and it is not
permissible to transfer any organ or part
until the death is confirmed by a committee consisting of three specialized doctors.
5. What is Brain Death?
It is the irreversible cessation of all functions of the brain, including the brain stem.
6. What are the key laws governing organ donation in the UAE?
The key law governing Organ Donation in the UAE is the Federal Decree-Law No. (5) of 2016 on regulating the transfer and
transplantation of human organs and tissues in the UAE.
7. Do religions support organ donation?
According to Islamic law, organ donation saves lives, and the fatwas of the majority of jurists indicate that the
donation is permissible. All major religions not only support organ donation as an individual right but also encourage
it as an act of generosity and compassion.
8. Can I donate for money?
There is no compensation for organ donation as UAE law criminalizes human organ trafficking and penalties have been
enacted for anyone who violates this.
9. How can I register for becoming an Organ Donor in the UAE?
The registration platform "Hayat" for organ donation, has been provided on the website of the UAE Ministry of Health and
Please follow the steps below to register:
Visit https://mohap.gov.ae/ar/services/social/organ-donation.
Fill in the required data (Emirates ID number, Nationality, Date of birth).
Read the Terms and Conditions.
Click on the “Consent” button.
10. How can I get the donor card?
An electronic donor card is obtained immediately after the registration is completed, by clicking on the Donor Card.
In case the donor card is not generated, please follow the steps below:
Open the Menu setting on your mobile
Select "Safari" browser
Disable "Block Pop-ups" to off / Disable pop-up blocking
Return to the registration page to download the Donor Card
11. How I withdraw my desire of donation?
Open the registration page
Enter the Emirates ID number, nationality and date of birth
Click on the "Opt out form", fill it out, and then send it back to the mentioned email
For more information, kindly contact:
Call center: 800 111 11
Email: info@mohap.gov.ae