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Dubai Health Authority - هيئة الصحة دبي

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Dubai Health Authority - هيئة الصحة دبي

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Hayat - Organ Donation

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The National Program for Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues – HAYAT- is a humanitarian initiative that encourages organ and tissue donation. It provides hope and a new life to those in need of organ donation. UAE nationals and residents over the age of 21 can support saving lives through organ donation by registering as an organ donor. As part of this program, organ donation is possible from deceased donors after obtaining the consent from the donor’s family.

The program was created in accordance with a Federal Decree law passed in 2016, in order to realize the country's objective to be a role model in the field of human organ and tissue donation and transplantation. The program aims to regulate the process of donation and transplantation of human organs and tissues, in addition to develop and provide care for patients with organ deficiencies.

Objectives of the Program- HAYAT?

The objectives of the HAYAT program are:

  • Regulate the process of donation and transplantation of human organs and tissues.
  • Provide care to patients with organ deficiencies.
  • Improve the health and safety of the community and the quality of life.
  • Save lives by registering via the "Hayat" platform as an organ donor.
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    How to register in the Hayat program?

    Please follow the steps below to register:

  • Visit
  • Fill in the required data (Emirates ID number, Nationality, Date of birth).
  • Read the Terms and Conditions.
  • Click on the “Consent” button.
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