Medical Research
Dubai Health Authority is constantly working to improve the health care services provided in the emirate, by keeping abreast of developments and medical solutions, encouraging medical research, and studying methods of diagnosing and treating various diseases. Therefore, it provides the following services to support researchers while ensuring the rights and safety of the human subjects participating in these researches.
The Dubai Scientific Research Ethics Committee (DSREC) acts as the Central Ethics Committee for the emirate of Dubai. It takes the final decision on health research proposal requests after reviewing them thoroughly during periodic meetings. DSREC recognizes the establishment of Local Ethics Committee within the academic institution or private or government or semi government health institution or research center falling under the jurisdiction of the Emirate of Dubai.
You may click here for more information on the different types of studies that can be submitted to DSREC by the Local Ethics Committee for either In-depth Review/Approval or for Final Approval only.
Any research planned at DHA licensed facilities WITHOUT the review or approval of Local Ethics Committee must directly be submitted to the DSREC for review and approval.
Who can apply?
Researchers either health professionals or health university/college students who wish to obtain ethical approval on the research planned at the research sites that fall under the jurisdiction of the emirate of Dubai.
Submission Procedure
Submit following documents to (Email ):
Note: If the attachments size exceeds 120 MB, please notify us through so that we can share with you a secured link to upload the required documents.
- Please specify role of each investigator in the study.
- Index all documents submitted, with version if applicable.
1. Cover letter on headed paper
(Addressed by Principal Investigator to DSREC):
- All questions mentioned in the form must be answered. In case NOT APPLICABLE, mention NA.
- If there are more than one sites involved in the study, Principal Investigator (PI) must obtain the administrative site approval from Head Of Department (HOD) from each study site.
- If study involves 3 or more than 3 sites, please contact us for more information on the submission procedure.
- If PI is Head of Department, please obtain an administrative site approval from a higher authority.
- If a research is planned at a wider scale of the Emirate of Dubai (at sites such as all governmental hospitals and/or all private hospitals which are under jurisdiction of DHA and/or public places in Dubai and/or on the whole population (Emiratis/residents), then an administrative site approval from Head of Medical Research Section of DHA’s Medical Education and Research Department, must be obtained.
2. DSREC Application Form (Click here), duly signed and dated:
3. Study
- Informed consent form must be submitted in both Arabic and English.
- Attached template may be used as guidance to consider all of the required information for patient/participant enlightment during the recruitment process.
- Attached template may be used and customized according to study requirements.
4. Patient/ Participant Information Sheet and Informed Consent Form (Click here) If applicable:
5. Questionnaires: If
applicable, to be submitted in both English and Arabic
6. Confidentiality Agreement Patient Information (Click here) to be signed by Principal Investigator and
Resume of Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators
8. Source of funding, if
applicable, please submit supporting documents along with funding requirements
9. Device Form (Click here) if applicable
10. Clinical Trial Undertaking
Letter (Click here): Applicable for Clincial Trials only
11. All relevant
enclosures such as Data Collection Tool/Case Report form / proforma/ follow-up cards etc.
Payment Procedure
Payment is accepted through bank transfer to Dubai Health Authority’s Bank Account. For details, please click here.
Please send the transfer proof (receipt) to, then payment will be confirmed with the Finance Dept team who will then share the payment voucher.
An additional AED 20 will be charged as Knowledge and Innovation fees.
Stranded Operating Procedure
Office Location
Dubai Health Authority Headquarters - First Floor - Medical Education & Research Department - Medical Research Section
7:30 AM to 15:00 PM - Monday to Thursday
7:30 AM to 12:00 PM - Friday
Mrs. Medha Mukund Kulkarni
- 04 502 7518
This service aims at Ensuring researchers’ commitment to the highest standards of scientific research ethics throughout the implementation of procedures for managing violations related to research misconduct. Research participants, investigators, health professionals or any interested individuals can raise a complaint on research misconduct or if they suspect the integrity of published research by filling the (Report Research Misconduct Form) click here and sending it to
This applies to all research activities that are conducted in health institutions, research centers, health universities or colleges in the Emirate of Dubai, whether by DHA employees or Non-DHA employees who are health professionals or students of health majors.
Please note that DHA doesn’t accept anonymous complaints.
Office Location
Dubai Health Authority Headquarters - First Floor - Medical Education & Research Department - Medical Research Section
7:30 AM to 15:00 PM - Monday to Thursday
7:30 AM to 12:00 PM - Friday
Mrs. Medha Mukund Kulkarni
- 04 502 7518
Candidates should read All the
below Revised 2022
documents carefully as there are important changes
Regulations and Documents
Medical Research Section at Dubai Health Authority provides the service of booking a free consultation session with one of the specialists in below areas:
Preparing a Research Proposal
Research Design
Sample Size Calculation
Statistical Analysis
Researchers can book the session by filling the electronic form in the link below:
Office Location
Dubai Health Authority Headquarters - First Floor - Medical Education & Research Department - Medical Research Section
7:30 AM to 15:00 PM - Monday to Thursday
7:30 AM to 12:00 PM - Friday
Ms. Medha Mukund Kulkarni
- 04 502 7518
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