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Dubai Health Authority - هيئة الصحة دبي

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Dubai Health Authority - هيئة الصحة دبي

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Dubai Household Health Survey


The Dubai Household Health survey is a scientific practice that is regularly implemented by healthcare organisations worldwide, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank; that’s to obtain accurate and reliable data related to the health of individuals, families, and communities, through direct field visits to selected samples of households and individuals, ensuring an accurate representation of Dubai's population in terms of demographics and social distribution.


  • Promote public health and quality of life for the residents of Dubai.
  • Enhance the level of healthcare services and systems.
  • Identify future healthcare needs of the population.
  • Enhance the performance of the healthcare system.
  • Update health indicators for the residents of Dubai.
  • Foster the healthcare database and health information.
  • Achieve a global healthcare model.
  • Targeted Categories

    The survey targets Emiratis and expatriates, including children, adults, elderly and labors in Dubai to get a holistic view of the healthcare status and healthcare needs of the community.

    Opportunity for the Participants

    The health survey presents an opportunity for the targeted categories to gain awareness of their health status and conditions; helping them to make informed decisions at the right time to promote their health and improve their quality of life.

    Survey Team

    Dubai Health Authority is launching the 4th Dubai Household Health Survey (DHHS), starting from the 10th of September 2023. This health survey is conducted by the DHA in collaboration with Dubai Data and Statistics Establishment - Dubai Digital Authority. The survey follows international healthcare practices and recognized standards in the field. The authority successfully conducted the first survey in 2009, followed by surveys in 2014 and 2019 in collaboration with Dubai Data and Statistics Establishment - Dubai Digital Authority. This survey is carried out by specialized teams trained to professionally fulfill their roles.

    Key Survey Topics

    The health survey covers four main themes:
  • Chronic diseases and health conditions (diabetes, hypertension and obesity)
  • Healthy lifestyles (tobacco use, physical activity, and healthy food)
  • Spending on health (spending on visits to outpatient clinics and hospitals)
  • The quality of health services satisfaction with the health status and services provided and it also includes a set of basic examinations (free-of-charge)
  • What is included in the survey?

  • Filling in an instant electronic survey form with the help of the field team.
  • Taking blood samples to measure the levels of blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Measurement of height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure.
  • DATA Confidentiality

    The survey is carried out in accordance with the highest scientific and specialized worldwide standards, and within strict requirements and controls that consider the privacy and confidentiality of the data and information that will be collected from the targets of the survey.

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