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Dubai Health Authority - هيئة الصحة دبي

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Dubai Health Authority - هيئة الصحة دبي

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Privacy Policy


DHA understands and respects users' privacy, and it is committed to protecting it. By visiting the DHA Portal and using DHA Smart Applications, users agree to the practices stated in this policy. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully to understand how we collect and use information.

Information collection

Some non-identifiable information is collected automatically while surfing our website or using smartphone applications, such as:

  • The IP address you are using to access the website.
  • The type of web browser used as well as the time and date of the visit.
  • The pages you view on the website.
  • Geographical location.
  • Mobile device information (such as your mobile device ID, model), operating system, and version information.


Identifiable information is collected voluntarily, such as when the user:

  • Sends personal information such as name, date of birth, email id, phone number.
  • Completes an online suggestions or complaints form.
  • Applies for a job through our e-job service.
  • Registers with the online forum.
  • Uses online services such as Health services, or the Licensing and other DHA electronic Services.
  • We may request access or permission to your location while you are using our Smart App, to provide certain location-based services. Your location may be used and shared with Dubai Health Authority (DHA), if location permission is granted, to provide following services:
    • When a patient generates an SOS alert or callback requests from the app
  • Location sharing is not mandatory for all these services to work but will help DHA in providing more accurate and timely response to your requests in Dubai. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device's settings.
  • We may request access or permission to certain features from your mobile device, including your mobile device's bluetooth, microphone, camera, phone number, and other features. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device's settings.
  • We may request to send you push notifications regarding your account or certain features of the Smart App. If you wish to opt-out from receiving these types of communications, you may turn them off in your device's settings.



Information Usage

  • To keep a record of registered users.
  • To allow us to customize services based on users preferences.
  • To collect internal statistics that help us serve the users better.
  • To contact users in order to provide DHA news or information regarding up-coming events.
  • Users’ information is never shared with any third parties unless it is agreed by the user or required by law or to protect DHA rights or properties 
  • Information collected from individuals will be used solely for legitimate and the intended purpose.
  • In case of data breach that results in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of an individual, DHA authority will report the breach to the concerned authorities and notify the person impacted.


Permission for Personal Data access for Smart Apps

Depending on the User's specific device, smart Application may request certain permissions that allow it to access the User's device Data as described below:

By default, these permissions must be granted by the User before the respective information can be accessed. Once the permission has been given, it can be revoked by the User at any time. In order to revoke these permissions, Users may refer to the device settings or contact the Owner for support at the contact details provided in the present document.

The exact procedure for controlling app permissions may be dependent on the User's device and software.

Please note that the revoking of such permissions might impact functioning of certain features and services of smart Application.

If User grants any of the permissions listed below, the respective Personal Data can be processed (i.e accessed) by the smart Application.

Approximate location permission

We may request access or permission to your location while you are using our Smart App to provide certain location-based services. Your location may be used and shared with Dubai Health Authority (DHA), if location permission is granted, to provide following services:

  • When a patient generates an SOS alert or callback requests from the app
  • Location sharing is not mandatory for all these services to work but will help DHA in providing more accurate and timely response to your requests in Dubai. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device's settings. 


Application may ask for Calendar permission to schedule calls with paramedics staff.

Application may ask for Calendar permission to add appointments to your device calendar.


This permission has been used to access the device camera for processing OCR on user’s identification documents.

This permission is being used in DHA App to access the device camera for the patient to join to video conference service with the physicians.

Storage and Photos/Media/Files

Storage permission is needed in order to store captured images from the camera and then later access those images for the OCR purpose.

Storage permission is needed in DHA App to access image, audio, video and files from your device to upload on the smart app

Microphone permission

Allows accessing and recording microphone audio from the User's device to enable Calling and Chatting feature with Paramedics staff.

Allows accessing microphone audio from the User's device to enable video conference with the physicians in DHA App.

Activity Recognition permission

DHA Application may ask for Activity Recognition Permission to read and track your physical activity (such has walking, biking or moving in a vehicle), sleep, heartrate and blood pressure data from Google Health Kit and view the same in DHA App.

Wi-Fi Connection Information

Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and names of connected Wi-Fi devices.


Cookies are used to customize users visit and enhance the user surfing experience. It is possible to set most web browsers to reject cookies, accept, or delete these files. However, the refusal or removing cookies may obstruct your user experience.

Links to Other Site

The DHA website and smart apps have links to third party websites. DHA has no control over other websites and thus the DHA Privacy Policy does not apply to them. Users are encouraged to read third party privacy policies prior to providing any personal information to third party websites.

Social Media

Users of social media (e.g.,,,, Instagram etc.) shall be respectful of the larger community by complying with the terms and policies of each Social Media Host.

Users are encouraged to contribute comments that are respectful and for further discussion on our social media sites, but users shall avoid making comments that might be considered Confrontational, Offensive, Discriminatory, Profane, Off-topic, Spam (i.e., unsolicited promotion of a third-party business), Misprivacy-leading and Fake.

DHA reserves the right to remove comments or content on our social media sites that fit into any one of the above categories, or for any other reason, to preserve the integrity of our social media sites. We may block further posting on our social media sites by any individual who violates this Privacy Policy.

Any comments or content posted by the users do not reflect, in any way, DHA’s opinion.

Information Security Controls

DHA has implemented appropriate controls to protect and safeguard the privacy of user’s personal information shared or collected by DHA.

Where appropriate, encryption methods are used to protect information, which is deemed sensitive, or any other data that should remain secure to meet Federal, Local or DHA’s legal requirements.


DHA reserves the right to modify or amend the Privacy Policy at any time and the effective date will be posted at the beginning of the Privacy Policy. It is advisable to check the Privacy Policy on a regular basis for any changes.

If you have questions about the DHA Privacy Policy, please contact us via e-mail at:

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